Hosting your club’s own swim meet is an exciting opportunity, and Swimming Wide Bay is here to empower your club with the resources and support needed to host successful, competitive meets year-round.
This page is designed to be an information hub to help your club easily apply for, renew, and manage swim meets across the Swimming Wide Bay region.
Hosting your club’s own swim meet is an exciting opportunity, and Swimming Wide Bay is here to empower your club with the resources and support needed to host successful, competitive meets year-round.
This page is designed to be an information hub to help your club easily apply for, renew, and manage swim meets across the Swimming Wide Bay region.
Phase 1: Scoping – Researching & deciding if holding a swim meet is worthwhile.
Phase 2: Applying – formally applying to host a swim meet.
Phase 3: Agreement – After successfully being approved, agreeing and signing Host Club Agreement forms.
Phase 4: Managing – Ensure your club committee understands its responsibilities before, during, and after the meet.
The application process for hosting a swim meet is divided into four stages. Whether you’re exploring what’s involved in hosting a meet or renewing an existing one, this section provides key information to help you build a case for your club committee
Hosting a meet elevates your club’s presence in the swim community, rallying your committee, volunteers, swimmers, and families around a shared goal. It also offers sponsors a chance to gain visibility among a wider audience in the Wide Bay area.
Club meets can provide valuable income from event fees, entry charges, BBQs, and raffles. Clubs have the flexibility to set their own event fees, and can choose to incorporate door entry fees into their entry fees if desired.
Swimming Queensland classifies competitive meets into three categories: Development, Transition, and Preparation. Each meet type has different requirements, tailored to the needs of swimmers and host clubs. Here’s a quick overview of the different meet types:
For beginner-level swimmers.
Development Meet Synopsis [PDF]
For intermediate skill levels:
Transition Meet Synopsis [PDF]
For advanced swimmers gearing up for larger competitions:
Preparation Meet Synopsis [PDF]
Refer to the Swimming Queensland Competition Policy [PDF] for full details on competition guidelines.
Choosing the right meet type for your club is important. Consider these factors when selecting the right meet type for your club.
One of the key differences between the meet types are the age groups involved. If your club has a lot of younger swimmers, your club may be better suited to hosting a Development meet, whereas clubs with swimmers who are mainly older should look at hosting either a Transition or Preparation meet.
Different meet types run for different durations, and so vary in terms of the amount of Technical Officials and volunteers to safely run them.
Whether your club is applying for a new meet, or renewing an existing meet, clubs will need to submit an application.
Expressions of interest from Clubs (both new and renewal applications) due at 9am
Clubs notified of successful meet application
Host Clubs submit Meet Flyer to SWB for approval prior to going live on SwimCentral.
There are 2 x main costs with hosting a competitive club meet:
We’re introducing two categories of Technical Officials in Swimming Wide Bay, Lead and Support Technical Officials.
These are our accredited Technical Officials who keep meets running smoothly and according to Swimming Queensland guidelines. A meet requires a minimum of seven (7) Lead TOs, including:
Note: Lead TOs can choose to volunteer their time unpaid to support their home club swim meet. If you have any difficulty sourcing or funding your TO team please reach out directly with Swimming Wide Bay.
These roles now require no formal training and are unpaid, making it easier for clubs to engage their volunteer community & manage meet costs:
Although there are no formal training requirements for these positions, we do encourage people interested in these Support TO roles to become accredited. This will enable them to be eligible to officiate and be remunerated at our Swimming Wide Bay championship events, as well as continue on a pathway to officiating at State and National events. Please note that if your club needs to source Support Technical Officials from another club they are entitled to be remunerated for their time.
Remuneration schedule
*Note: Maximum of two Level 3 TOs at $250/day per meet
For our Championship events, all officials (including Support TOs) will need SwimCentral accreditation and will be paid for their time.
Running a successful Swimming Wide Bay meet requires the right timing equipment and a qualified operator. Here’s what you need to know:
Different meets have different timing needs.
Development meets: You can use manual (stopwatch) or semi-automatic systems
Transition and Preparation meets: Semi-automatic systems are required
Need timing equipment or an operator? Here’s how to get help.
Equipment Hire: When you complete the ‘SWB Swim Meet Host Expression of Interest Form’, let Swimming Wide Bay know if you need to hire a timing system.
Timing System Operator: You’ll need an accredited operator who can:
If your club doesn’t have someone who can create the meet file, the timing operator can help – but this will be an additional charge.
Don’t have an accredited operator? Swimming Wide Bay can help you find one.
Swimming Wide Bay encourages clubs to train their own timing system operators. They offer mentoring and on-the-job training to help your team become confident and self-sufficient.
So you’ve reviewed the host club requirements in Phase 1, and your club’s keen to host a meet in Wide Bay. Well this next stage is about submitting your application. Complete the ‘Swim Meet Host Expression of Interest’ form (sent to registered club emails) to take the next steps toward hosting a successful Swimming Wide Bay meet.
You will be asked for your top 3 meet date preferences. Please note that from time to time Swimming Wide Bay may request a date change to optimise the overall meet calendar spacing for swimmers
Confirm if you need assistance to hire equipment or source an operator for the day
Confirm who your club has available to officiate at your meet, and which roles you require assistance from Swimming Wide Bay to source
Expressions of interest from Clubs (both new and renewal applications) due at 9am
Clubs notified of successful meet application
Host Clubs submit Meet Flyer to SWB for approval prior to going live on SwimCentral.
If your club has been unsuccessful and you’d like to discuss feedback, please forward it to
Click here to access the ‘Swim Meet Host Expression of Interest’ form.
After your application is approved, you’ll receive forms to complete to formalise your hosting arrangement, including Host Club Responsibilities form and ‘Host Club agreement’ form.
If you have any further queries please contact
Ensure your club committee understands its responsibilities before, during, and after the meet.
Review this Guide Host a SWB Meet and complete the Risk Management Checklist with the Race Director on meet day.